School Vision

Our School Motto:

‘I am, because we are.’


This motto is based on the idea of success, it is based on not only one person’s success, but all of us succeeding. That what makes us a human are the things we do to support one another and in doing so, support our community. No one comes into the world fully formed. We would not know how to think, or walk, or speak, or behave as human beings unless we learned it from other human beings. Where the idea of community is one of the building blocks of society. Ubuntu has its roots in humanist African philosophy. Our school is unique due to its community and our motto is based on this philosophy.




Working together to develop lifelong learners with a strong sense of self who are active participants in their communities.


We want our children to leave our school having built a love of learning, strong relationships, knowing who they are in the world and the impact they can have, and being involved with the Kingswood and Bristol community they live in.






Nurture, Inspire, Flourish

Our values drive our focus across the year, term, week and day. We plan a curriculum to nurture our children’s minds and hearts, inspire their thinking, to flourish and have high aspirations for themselves and for others.



We know that children learn best when they enjoy school and are feeling safe and happy. We will:

  •          promote well-being and the development of the whole child.
  •          develop the skills needed for strong, healthy and supportive relationships to thrive.
  •          champion and encourage mutual respect and tolerance.
  •          develop growth mindsets to encourage resilience and perseverance.
  •          encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyle choices.
  •          develop a strong sense of self-worth and belonging.
  •          celebrate individuality and personal successes.
  •          allow each child's voice to be heard.



We will:

  •          create a culture of ambition and aspiration.
  •          develop positive attitudes to learning based on hard work and commitment.
  •          develop creative, innovative and adaptable minds.
  •          inspire each child to be their best self.
  •          provide experiences to develop creativity and imagination.
  •          provide the highest quality teaching and learning.
  •          offer activities which allow children to discover new passions.
  •          provide a range of ‘stages’ to showcase and develop skills and talents.
  •          participate in events which involve meeting with children from other schools.



The children will:

  •          achieve their academic potential.
  •          have the skills needed to be life-long learners in a changing world.
  •          understand the positive role they can play within the wider community.
  •          be rounded individuals and confident to be themselves.
  •          have empathy and self-awareness.
  •          be able to use their skills in a range of different situations.


Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development

The pupils’ SMSC development is encapsulated in our values – nurture, inspire, flourish – and in the subsequent provision through the curriculum, assemblies, clubs and other extra-curricular opportunities.  We also use ‘Zones of Regulation’ in the classrooms as a way to enhance children’s own emotional awareness and to help them develop strategies for better emotional regulation.

How we teach about British Values at Courtney

At Courtney, we teach about British Values through a combination of their integration into our school Crown Values, through our assemblies and through the subjects in our curriculum. We have the five values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Tolerance, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty displayed around school and make reference to them when relevant.


Our pupils have many opportunities to learn about Democracy in action and how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process. We have the hustings and election of School Council members and House Captains. The School Council plays a large part in our decision-making, including the appointment of new teachers. As well as this, Circle Time is used by classes to discuss issues and find resolutions.

Rules for Life:

Our Behaviour Policy is thoroughly reinforced at every level. Behaviour Books, Rewards and Sanctions are all used to help reinforce ‘good choices’ and the rules we need to live by day by day. Each class agrees a Code of Conduct at the beginning of each year which is agreed by children, staff and parents.

Anti-Bullying Week:

We hold this event annually, when we focus on similarities, differences and pride in being individuals. This encourages tolerance and respect.


At Courtney, we welcome families of all faiths and none. All the major faiths are studied as part of our Religious Education curriculum, together with visits to key places of worship. The school asks parents to share their personal understanding of particular faiths by speaking to classes as part of a topic on a particular religion. This reinforces the understanding that we are free to hold onto our own faiths and beliefs.

Cultural Diversity:

We try to maximise opportunities for children to realise that people from many cultures and many countries have made major contributions to the worlds of Science, Maths, Art, Exploration etc.


Our History and Geography curricula reflect on our cultural heritage and how past events have shaped our modern democracy. The children learn about selflessness and sacrifice in World War Two; working conditions and fairness in Victorian Britain; and styles of government in Ancient Greece.