Our Co-Chair of Governors are Mrs Victoria Harrity and Mrs Kelli Tomlinson. If you need to contact either of them, please do so in writing via the school email or via the school office.
At Courtney Primary School we have a diverse group of volunteers with a common interest in the school, its staff, pupils, building and the community of which it forms a part. Each Governor brings different strengths and skills to the Governing body, but all have a commitment to helping the school.
The Role of the Governors is to work in partnership with the school, staff and leadership team to ensure that there is effective strategic management of the school and to help provide the children with a safe, stimulating and professional environment. It is not the Governor’s role to deal with the day to day running of the school.
The Governing Body is accountable for maximising its effectiveness in three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance of staff and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The Governors will:
- Have involvement in the continuing development of the school
- Be appraised of the school’s educational performance and agree future targets
- Agree the school budget and review spend and value for money
- Act as a critical friend
The constitution of our Governing Body is made up of
Five Parent Governors
One LA Governor
One Staff Governor
One Headteacher
Six Co-opted Governors
We have 5 vacancies (3 Co-opted, 1 LA and 1 Parent).
The Full Governing Body meet at least once every term; within this group we also have a Curriculum Sub-committee and a Resources Sub-committee, the Resources Committee include Finance and staffing, Pay, Appraisals and Health and Safety. These sub-committees meet three times a year and look in more detail at the school’s plans for improvement, how we spend our money, and how well the school is doing in meeting the needs of the children.
Chair of Governors: Victoria Harrity and Kelli Tomlinson
Vice Chair: Bryan Goddard and Richard German
Clerk To Governors: GVO Clerking Service
Georgina Scott | n/a | Head |
Bryan Goddard | 19/05/2025 | Parent |
Kelli Tomlinson | Parent | |
Richard German | Parent | |
Laura Carter | Parent | |
Vacancy | Parent | |
Amy Vaughan | Staff | |
Nina Skinner | Co-Opted | |
Victoria Harrity | 15/01/2028 | Co-opted |
Maka Chillingarashvili | Co-opted | |
Vacancy | Co-opted | |
Vacancy | Co-opted |
LINK GOVERNORS and Committees to be assigned during FGB Term 1.
Parental involvement is crucial to a child’s education and we strongly value parents support for the school, its ethos and values. We are keen for parents, grandparents and the wider community to be involved with the school and we have opportunities for them to help in the classrooms and around school.